Impact Training

Improve Your Public Speaking The #1 Quick, Unusual Way

image of man showing how to improve your public speaking

Home You want to improve your public speaking. And you also want a quick and easy way to do it. How do I know this? You told me. Every time I showed up – for a workshop, for a coaching session, to deliver a speech at a function. Hey…I’m not knocking you. Actually I’m glad you’re […]

10 Easy Public Speaking Tips Just For Small Business Owners

Home Would you like some easy public speaking tips to jumpstart your “info sharing career?” I thought you would say “Yes!” You see, I know you. You are among those small business owners who would love to share your knowledge but don’t know where to start. After all, I’ve already showed you 10 reasons why public […]

How To Really Skyrocket Your Confidence Before You Speak

image of a confident woman before she speaks

Home “Always try to build your confidence before you speak, girlfriend!” I warned quietly. “Go from around me with your public speaking BS!” Julia replied testily. “Just because you believe you are a hot public speaker, you always on people’s case!” Wuhloss! I almost fell off my chair in surprise at the “energetic” response. But who really […]

How to Deliver a Really Winning Persuasive Speech

Home “Yes Lorna! I really want to learn how to deliver a Top-Level Persuasive Speech!”  Standing before me, making this declaration, with so much conviction, was a shy-looking young man. Looking at him, I was even finding it hard to believe he was the Financial Controller for a prestigious law firm.  But why was he […]

12 Strategies to Easily Deliver A Really Great Team Presentation

Image of man making a winning team presentation

Home You have no choice. You do have to organise a team presentation. Let me remind you how you got there. Because of your networking skills, you got your small business on the very short list of companies to pitch their services to a very big business. Just when you were thinking that you can handle this, […]

7 Great Tips For Practicing Your Speech to Wow Your Audience

woman demonstrating how to practice your speech

Home Look at you! You’ve overcome your glossophobia and you’ve accepted an invitation to be the guest speaker at the Secret Society of Persons Dedicated to Watching Paint Dry (SSPDWPD). And you’ve written a brilliant speech, to boot. Now comes the part that stops you in your tracks. Your delivery.  And yes, you want to know about practicing your […]