Working From Home? Top 10 Things You Need To Know

Home Working from home. It’s out there. Or maybe in this case we can say it’s “in here!” Propelled by the Corona virus, it’s now the world hottest topic and apparently the sexiest as well. Because I know how hot sex sizzles and then it fizzles, I wasn’t planning on “getting into this fray” as my grandmother […]
Change Management Success-How To Easily Get It Right

Home “Y’all talking about change management success?” asked my friend and business colleague. It’s as elusive as my last boyfriend!” She continued in response to my wide-eyed, unblinking stare. To tell the truth, we weren’t even aware that she was listening to us, so her comment took us completely by surprise. Even so, I am […]
How to Easily Differentiate Your Services In A Crowded Market

Home Have you ever struggled to differentiate your services? I know I have. And I bet as small business service providers, we all have. When I started ITDS some 20 years ago, the thing uppermost in my mind was: Lorna Barrow, if you are going to make money, you have to find a way to differentiate your services! […]
How To Really Improve Your Leadership Problem-solving Process

Home “Leadership problem-solving process?” What’s that? And why do you think I would need such a thing?” As you would expect a good consultant to, I sat quietly and listened to my potential client. You see, he had contacted me because he was trying hard to build his team. And according to him, whenever they had a problem […]
Top 10 Proven Ways To Ignite Your Small Business Success

Home The stats on small business failure are so staggering, whichever country you choose, they undermine small business success. And whichever country entrepreneurs and business owners are doing business in, they feel the weight of the data. A big part of your problem is that the recognized and accepted reasons small business don’t succeed are many. They […]
How To Use Attentive Listening To Actually Skyrocket Sales

Home Recently, at a monthly mastermind group meeting, a member asked me, “Lorna, what does it take to really, really skyrocket sales?” I let the suspense hang in the air for a couple of seconds…with all eyes focused on me. Then I replied matter-of-factedly: “attentive listening.” I could feel the “ahhmm…that’s the best you can do, bright girl?” circle […]
9 Useful Things To Remember When You Name A Business

Home When you name a business, you should think of what they say about naming a dog. I’m sure you’ve heard the expression: Give a dog a bad name and hang it! Well, as business goes, when you name a business, I say: Give a business a bad name and kill it! It seems to […]
6 Ways To Turn Small Business Failure Into Amazing Success

Home My spirit was in turmoil and my body was feeling the stress. I had too many sleepless nights…pacing my house in straight lines and in circles… I was choosing my fingernails over steak and potatoes. You see…my latest business MISadventure was causing me all this. It was standing in line to be voted “small business failure […]
Raising money for business? 10 helpful things you need to cover

Home “Raising money”… You were enjoying the conversation until someone mentioned those words. But why do you get that nauseous feeling in the pit of your stomach, that sense of dread, when you hear those words? I think it’s because for the most part, you bring tremendous emotion to raising money for your business. Why? […]
12 Secret Entrepreneurial Skills You Need for Startup Growth

Home When I typed “entrepreneurial skills” in good old google on my trusted desktop, I immediately got 674,000,000 hits. When I reviewed some of these skills on the holy grail of the first page, they were similar from site to site. They were also mostly regular business skills that you need to run your business. […]