Impact Training

4 Proven Steps To Actually Begin Your Report Writing

Home So what’s your approach to begin writing a report? Is it something like this? You sit at your computer and type a few sentences. Then you delete them. Next you type a few more, read them over carefully, all the time wishing that they made more sense.  The next thing you know, the deadline for the […]

8 Easy Ways Business People Can Improve Their Writing Skills

Home Show me the average entrepreneur, business person or manager of a small business, working off-line or online, who cannot benefit from improved writing skills! I know I usually emphasize having public speaking skills but effective writing skills are equally essential for various aspects of your business life. For example, it’s also important for your: success in […]

How to Deliver a Really Winning Persuasive Speech

Home “Yes Lorna! I really want to learn how to deliver a Top-Level Persuasive Speech!”  Standing before me, making this declaration, with so much conviction, was a shy-looking young man. Looking at him, I was even finding it hard to believe he was the Financial Controller for a prestigious law firm.  But why was he […]

How To Build Strong Relationships? Effective Communication Skills

Home From business to business, workplace to workplace, Small Business Owner to Small Business Owner, they all had the same nagging problem. Poor or lack of effective communication skills. The reasons for your  communication problems are many but there’s one reason that I find most common. You have no strategies for how you communicate. You are mostly […]

How To Actually Win Business With Expert Crisis Communication

Home What if I were to tell you, that if you own a small business, with a crisis communication plan in place before a crisis, you can not only survive it, you can actually win business after? And what if I told you, that not mastering crisis communication could determine if, and how fast, you make it to the […]