Impact Training

How to Write a Mission Statement in 5 Easy, Proven Steps

Home “How to write a mission statement…?” Do you find yourself pondering this question, especially right after you read another one that makes you go: “Wha dis really bout?” I know I still do, even though I have one for my business and I have helped clients to develop many more. But even as you’re not clear about […]

How to Use The Meeting Agenda to Your Advantage

Home I sat at my desk and waited for the call I know would come. I was not disappointed. “Lorna…You coming to the meeting? “You have a meeting agenda?” “Why do you have to make coming to a meeting so difficult? Chewpse!” That is a conversation I have more often than I want to. But don’t […]

Personal Development: Top 5 Questions to Ask Yourself Early

image showing the path to personal development

Home “What are the top five questions to ask yourself when working on personal development?” Just last night when I checked my email, I realized that “Joy” had asked the question above. Joy went on to ask: I want to know the leading questions to ask about personal development and finding one’s purpose. When the interest […]

How To Introduce A Speaker Like A boss (No-fail Format!)

Image of man with microphone appearing to introduce a speaker

Home I’m just asking…what would you do if you had to introduce a speaker, let’s say at your big Product Launch or your next PTA Special Meeting? Or introduce your boss at an event? I’m asking because we all know the public speaking story. Yeah…the one where even at the thought of speaking in public, beyond shouting […]

How To Select Strong Core Values That Are Right For Your Business

Home Real quick now…no pondering, no guessing, no googling or reflecting…Gimme the top 7 core values which are in your values set!   Look at you! I went and made a garden salad and ate it with a bratwurst and you’re still not finished! Now, can you imagine being super successful in your business, and with your business, […]

How to Find The Money Sweet Spot in Your Leadership Context

Home “Unique Leadership Context? Wha you coming wid now? That was the response I got when I asked my group of small business leaders if they knew their unique leadership context.  As I explained to them, business leadership does not happen in a vacuum. Each leader has his or her own unique mix of operational […]

4 Unusual Ways A Work Routine Can Actually Save Your Sanity

Home Depending on a work routine? Who me? The Queen of Creativity? Yeah…I know…I couldn’t believe it myself, either. But I,  Moi, the great “keep it all together gal” just up and lost my rhythm last month. If you know me, perhaps you’re wondering: How did this happen to her? Why did it happen? The truth […]

Assertiveness Skills: How To Use Them To Be Confident And Strong

Home For a long time in my life, I was completely unaware that there was any other way to behave except passive or aggressive. Assertiveness skills were not part of my vocabulary or my life. Strange…I know. But my mother was horribly aggressive. To the point where it was embarrassing. And as the first born, I was […]

How to Move Rapidly From Good to Outstanding in 5 Easy Steps

image of woman moving from good to outstanding

Home “You are great! Really, you are outstanding!” my new client enthused loudly. “Thank you!” I replied quite modestly but thinking that the last time my head swelled like this was when it collided with a field hockey ball, many years ago. It’s not like I had not heard some version of this comment before. But […]

Good Advice For Growth: 20 Obvious Things To Stop Doing Now!

Image of woman acquiring good advice for her growth

Home Good advice for growth is always best when it comes from someone’s personal experience. And when that person is someone you know or have something in common with, you regard that advice as even more valuable. In the space of about a year, I stopped doing 20 obvious things that were somehow preventing me […]