Impact Training

Entrepreneurial Couples: 8 Ways to Work Together And Still Dream

Cover image for post about entrepreneurial couples

Home Entrepreneurial Couples! I fell in love with that expression from the very first time I heard it. It exactly captured my idea of power couples, both sharing the same entrepreneurial dream and eagerly working on it together. And I’m sure millions of couples across the globe take on this challenge all the time. And […]

How to Deliver a Really Winning Persuasive Speech

Home “Yes Lorna! I really want to learn how to deliver a Top-Level Persuasive Speech!”  Standing before me, making this declaration, with so much conviction, was a shy-looking young man. Looking at him, I was even finding it hard to believe he was the Financial Controller for a prestigious law firm.  But why was he […]

How to be Successful? 12 Ways to Master The #1 Success Factor

image showing woman who knows how to be successful

Home How to be successful at anything? You could ask my Grandmother but she’s no longer with us. But you’re still in luck. When I turned 16 years and decided it was time to take on the world, I went about asking everybody, “How does one become successful at being___ ? The blank represented a long […]

Why Coaching is One of Your Best Leadership Tools Ever!

Home “Coaching!? You are an idiot! This is not a football game, this is a workplace! Whew! This onslaught was the result of a gentle suggestion to one of my small business clients. Poor me, I had simply suggested that he may need to access or acquire coaching skills. I went on to add that […]

How To Carefully Break The Rules So You Can Really Win

image of person with hammer about to break the rules

Home Okay…I admit. I know how to break the rules. But I am not alone. We have all broken rules at some point in our lives. Tell me, was there never a time when you wanted to succeed at something so badly that you considered breaking the rules? And no, I don’t mean cheating or […]

Business Etiquette: 8 Easy Ways You Can Make it Work for You

Home …but you only need to know business etiquette if you’re the CEO of a large corporation!” This statement was deposited into a conversation I was having with a very progressive business woman. It was deposited by her husband who was, in his words “a retired small business owner.” Here we were, on the beautiful […]

Non-paying Clients? 7 Easy Ways You Can Fix That!

Home They’re out there…Non-paying clients or customers. And it seems like they’re just waiting to prey on small business owners and entrepreneurs like you. Increasingly, this is one of the biggest problems I am meeting as I work with my clients to help them to turnaround their businesses. And these “customonsters” come in all shapes and sizes, forms […]

12 Strategies to Easily Deliver A Really Great Team Presentation

Image of man making a winning team presentation

Home You have no choice. You do have to organise a team presentation. Let me remind you how you got there. Because of your networking skills, you got your small business on the very short list of companies to pitch their services to a very big business. Just when you were thinking that you can handle this, […]

7 ways to Unlock More Of Your Revenue With Great Customer Service

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Home I know You. You are a frustrated Service Provider who believes you’re offering great customer service to your clients.  Yet your clients appear to be ungrateful, demanding and cheap. They want to squeeze every last cent worth of work out of you…if you get the job at all. On any given day, they don’t know what the hell […]

How To Build Strong Relationships? Effective Communication Skills

image of smiling woman demonstrating effective communication skills

Home From business to business, workplace to workplace, Small Business Owner to Small Business Owner, they all had the same nagging problem. Poor or lack of effective communication skills. The reasons for your  communication problems are many but there’s one reason that I find most common. You have no strategies for how you communicate. You are mostly […]