Impact Training

Rapid Scale Leadership For Small Business Owners

What is Rapid Scale Leadership (RSL)?

RSL is a leadership training/coaching programme, especially created for small business owners to help them rapidly scale their business. 

It combines useful ideas, meaningful insights and practical skills of leadership into an “application” tool which you can apply to rapidly scale your business. In other words…it shows you “how to do” instead of just telling you “what to do”. 

 Is this a tool you can use? Well go ahead and contact us now!  

Here's why scaling your business is right for you...

When you GROW your business, you need to increase the resources to achieve that growth by the same or similar level of that growth.

For example, lets say you want to increase your annual revenue by $50,000 by adding another 150 customers. You might have to hire more staff and or expand your existing location. 

When you SCALE your business, you increase your revenue mostly using your existing resources. This means that in the example above, the increased revenue would be generated, using some combination of existing resources. For most small business owners, the most significant existing resource is their employees. 

Yes...but your leadership problem now has a solution

Rapid Scale Experts and Turnaround Consultants all agree that businesses that scale rapidly require leaders that:

  • have the skills to get the most out of their teams, and
  • who also continually investigate where and how value is being produced in their businesses.

It follows then, that for most small business to scale, the first and most important resource upgrade, must be the leadership skills of the owner(s)

The BIG problem is that leadership training for small business owners, entrepreneurs and service professionals cannot be met by traditional leadership theories or traditional training and coaching.

What you need is a specific, custom-designed approach which is based on the context in which you lead and also includes the environment in which you have to lead. But up until now, you have not been able to find a model that you believe can really work for you. 

Enter: Rapid Scale Leadership!

It's for you if you are:
  • A Small Business Owner, Entrepreneur, Service Professional with a business that has the capacity to grow
  • A Progressive thinker ready to embrace change. If you’re stuck in the past and not ready to change we’ll frustrate each other
  • Open to exposing your leadership weaknesses and getting them fixed because you understand that your business can only grow as fast and as far as you do
  • A do-ER, not just a think-ER
  • NOT all talk and no action it’s likely we’ll hate each other
  • Willing to be evaluated by your team before and after the training and share it with us
  • 100% committed to doing the required work to achieve the change in yourself and your businesses. This is where your big wins are. If you have a history of starting and not completing, we don’t want to be party to helping you waste your money. 


On location - (Barbados)
  • In groups of not more than 10 business owners (For members of the public. Dates are usually announced)
  • In-house for team leaders and other management level employees
  • Customised for small non-profits for who want to get the most out of their limited resources
  • One-on-one coaching for those who likes to work that way
On location in your Caribbean Country
  • Same conditions listed above for Barbados
  •  Since the COVID pandemic, any version of the programme is available online
So click to contact us so you can get started at once!

Really helpful support including:

1.    Unlimited email support with a response in 24-hrs or less during the life of your training

2.    Short periods of telephone support as needed

3.    Links to supporting on-line content

4.    Accountability support (if needed) to complete assignments and rescue you if you go astray

5.    Access to the ITDS’ team wisest advice and keenest attention

6.    For those accepted into the programme, chance to benefit from a juicy Fast-Action Bonus

8.    Tools, templates, check lists and other (DFYs) Done for You

9.    A Certificate of Participation  to remind you of all you learnt

Super focused on the skills you need...

The programme has 5 steps and each step has 2 modules.

Here’s a brief description of the steps and modules:

Step #1 – Understand the Context in Which You Are Leading

Module #1 – Understanding the nature of small business leadership

Module #2 – Discovering your unique leadership context 

Step #2 – Get Clear About Your Leadership Capacity

Module #3 – How to lead yourself before you attempt to lead others  

Module #4 – How to lead your team effectively   

Step #3 – Implement a System of Teamwide Personal Development

Module #5 – How to increase your personal productivity

Module #6 – A Business Mentorship Model to grow your business 3.5 times faster

Step #4 – Scale Your Business!

Module #7 – Get clear on your vision…write it down!  

Module #8 – Set your Big Audacious Goal (BAG) and set yourself up to achieve it!   

Step #5 – Upscale & Own Your New Leadership Skills

Module #9 – 15 super practices for the Rapid Scale Leader   

Module #10 – List of additional resources for Rapid Scale Leaderships   

Feedback from a happy graduate...

I will be honest with you.Rapid Scale Leadership did not sound like something I wanted to even think about. I knew my staff was lazy and I knew that if I could find a way to motivate THEM, my fortunes would change. But having worked with Lorna before, I trust her practical approach to everything, and decided since nothing had worked to date, I had nothing to lose. What a welcome surprise! By the time I had completed the exercise to understand my “Unique Leadership Context” I was hooked! In a nutshell, I applied what I learnt as I learnt it and I love the leader I have become. I also love that my profit has increased by 17% at the time of writing and my staff is liking their new “boss”.If you’re serious about growing your business by growing yourself, then rapid Scale Leadership is the programme for you!

~Jerry - Small Business Owner - St Vincent & The Grenadines~

You now have two choices:
  • #1.  Continue your hit and miss, frustration-filled  approach to leading your business or
  • #2.  Get serious and get help to fast-track your leadership success and by extension, your wealth.

    If you choose #2, then Rapid Scale Leadership is for you.

    If you would like to be considered for one of the spots on the next programme, request your Qualification Questionnaire from me at, complete it and return it to me immediately.  Be sure to let me know if you want to be part of a group or if you prefer to work One-on-One.

    If you would like the programme conducted in-house, then rush me an email at

    Now go ahead and contact me if you need to for any further information at all…

Why Lorna Barrow is the Facilitator for the programme
Since the majority of my clients are small business owners, I know how important growing your businesses are to you.I also know firsthand, how frustrated you are when you don’t see results fast enough from the improvements to your operations. Furthermore, many of you don’t even have the resources to implement many of the things that are required.So given these limitations, I selected a few of my frustrated clients and began working with them to improve their leadership skills, specifically to scale their businesses. When I saw the results, I knew I was on to something that could really be important to small business owners.As you can imagine, I refined what I was doing and structured it into a programme, and Rapid Scale Leadership was born.Over time, using my training and coaching skills, I have delivered this programme to several Small Business Owners.As I anticipated, some of them had difficulty making the connection between improving their leadership skills and scaling their businesses. And who can blame them? The usual approach is to focus on your staff and your operations.I have also delivered it to a cross section of students from the University of the West Indies (UWI) Cave Hill Campus. Many of them are looking to establish their own businesses when they graduate.In addition, these students were extremely helpful in assisting me to refine the programme, especially setting your “Big Audacious Goal.”So while I invite other entrepreneurs to share their stories and experiences, I have the absolute pleasure of being the main facilitator for this course.Learn more about Lorna Barrow by clicking here, here and also here.