Impact Training

Assertiveness Skills: How To Use Them To Be Strong

Home For a long time in my life, I was completely unaware that there was any other way to behave except passive or aggressive. Assertiveness skills were not part of my vocabulary or my life. Strange…I know. But my mother was horribly aggressive. To the point where it was embarrassing. And as the first born, I was […]

6 Unusual Signs of Business Incompetence You Need to Know

Home Business incompetence is like a global epidemic. And like any true epidemic, while it is widespread, there are pockets of higher concentration in certain areas. Unfortunately, one of these areas of high concentration appears to be in small and medium size businesses. “Not mine!” I can hear you shout. I can even hear you pound your […]

How to Actually Slash Team Meetings Costs by a Whopping 40%

Home Meet “Victor”…his mother gave him another name but for us, he’s Victor. According to him, he’s the Grand Master of managing team meetings costs.  When he first told me this, I believed I knew what he meant – no refreshments, not even water. You see, I’d seen this used as a meeting cost-cutting measure before. […]