How To Really Improve Your Leadership Problem-solving Process

Home “Leadership problem-solving process?” What’s that? And why do you think I would need such a thing?” As you would expect a good consultant to, I sat quietly and listened to my potential client. You see, he had contacted me because he was trying hard to build his team. And according to him, whenever they had a problem […]
Conflict Management: How to Make It Your Best Leadership Tool

Home Before I discuss how to make conflict management your best leadership tool, perhaps we should step back and take a quick look at leadership first. Very simply, leadership is the process of getting things done through people. To get things done through people, you must be able to exert significant influence over those people. For me, […]
Make Decisions That Will Last In 7 Smart, Easy Steps

Home I knew I was procrastinating but sometimes I hate when I have to make decisions. So there I was…suspended between writing a blog post and completing the documents for my Top Level Speakers Program. Then my phone rang. On the phone was my fave business colleague and friend, inviting me to “a quick power lunch.” In […]
Good Ideas In The Workplace: 8 Surprising Ways You Block Them

Home “Good ideas are a dime a dozen…” My friend and mentor James used to tell me. “You just have to let them in!” he would end with a flourish and rush off to implement his next good idea. Over the years, his words have kept me opened to good ideas. I’m always fascinated by where you […]
Team Building: 7 Ways To Quickly Build A Highly Effective Team

Home “What’s all this foolishness about highly effective team building? You mean to say, that after I hire people, and pay them good money, I have to build them into a team too?” These questions came from a small business owner, “Ronald” who was invited to the luncheon by his friend. I felt the annoyance in the […]
How to Lead Your Team to Amazing Success? Start Here!

Home “You must be Lorna! Please tell me you know something about how to lead! Leaders must really be born…because I am no leader and I have made a complete mess of my business! And… “Whoa! Hold up Buddy! Good Morning…you must be Mike!” I offered brightly as I complete my entry into the room […]
10 Leadership Success Secrets All Leaders Need to Know

Home “Do you have any leadership success secrets you can share with us, Ms Barrow?” the young entrepreneur asked eagerly. “I might…but I like to keep my secrets close to my chest!” I replied mischievously. Seriously though… I do have some leadership success secrets and I will share them. After all, I have been in leadership […]
Why Coaching is One of Your Best Leadership Tools Ever!

Home “Coaching!? You are an idiot! This is not a football game, this is a workplace! Whew! This onslaught was the result of a gentle suggestion to one of my small business clients. Poor me, I had simply suggested that he may need to access or acquire coaching skills. I went on to add that […]
How to Use The Meeting Agenda to Your Advantage

Home I sat at my desk and waited for the call I know would come. I was not disappointed. “Lorna…You coming to the meeting? “You have a meeting agenda?” “Why do you have to make coming to a meeting so difficult? Chewpse!” That is a conversation I have more often than I want to. But don’t […]
6 Unusual Signs of Business Incompetence You Need to Know

Home Business incompetence is like a global epidemic. And like any true epidemic, while it is widespread, there are pockets of higher concentration in certain areas. Unfortunately, one of these areas of high concentration appears to be in small and medium size businesses. “Not mine!” I can hear you shout. I can even hear you pound your […]