The Exit Interview: How to Make It A Really Useful Process

Home The exit interview…you have heard of it, haven’t you? You haven’t? lucky you! But it is that interview that businesses, mostly big but some small ones, usually want to conduct AFTER your employee resigns from your “fabulous” job. Don’t get me wrong…I understand why you conduct them. After all, you followed all the good […]
How to Embrace The Awesome Power of Trust in Business

Home It is an undeniable fact that trust in business matters. After all, people do business with people they know, like and trust. Yet in many areas of business trust is taken for granted. When you go to the supermarket you expect it to have what you want and that the vegetables will be fresh. […]
How to Write a Really Awesome Business Proposal

Home Raise your hand if you hate writing a business proposal. Yeah…I thought there would be that many of you… And to make matters worse, you are the owner of a small business and you don’t have, and can’t presently afford, the help you need to write that proposal. Furthermore, you will tell anybody, even those who […]
Grow Your Business Fast! 7 Easy Ways Without Money

Home “Do you know you can grow your business really fast without money?” “Really? Money Talks! And when times are bad, it’s the only conversation worth having!” “Listen idiot! Even in business, money isn’t everything!” “Listen Smart One, even in business, it’s all about the money!” That was a conversation I was having with my […]